Where are my results?

The UC Davis Analytical Lab strives to meet its clients’ turnaround time requirements. The Lab’s current turnaround times are variable. In fairness to all submitters, samples are processed in the order received by the Lab.

If your analytical results require an expedited time frame, please contact the Lab Office, (530) 752-0147, prior to sample submission to ensure that your request can be accommodated. Rush requests are reviewed and approved based on the laboratory’s resources and workload at the time of the request. 

Requests to rush samples are subject to additional charges ranging from 1.5x to 4x of the original listed price

Can you rush my samples?

Rush requests are reviewed and approved based on the laboratory’s resources and workload at the time of the request. Requests to rush samples are subject to additional charges ranging from 1.5x to 4x of the original listed price.

What is the turnaround time for sample analysis?

Times are variable and approximate depending on the analysis and quantity submitted.  Please inquire at anlab@ucdavis.edu for specific information regarding your set.

Can I send my samples?

The Lab typically does not provide non-research related testing. Private individuals and commercial operations should contact the lab prior to submitting samples to verify that the Lab can perform the testing they require.

How do I send samples?

Refer to link on website.

How do I establish a Client User Account?

Each user creates a profile when signing onto the website for the first time. This profile is unique for each person submitting samples, and contains contact information for that person, contact information for the Primary Investigator(PI) and default billing information. After submitting samples, a Client account is created for you by AnLab office in the name of the PI from the information provided. The Client account should be referred to by all submitters on a project to ensure consistent communication, testing, reporting and billing.

I have limited sample material; can I still submit?

Please inquire about limited sample sizes before submitting.  We are able to modify methods to use less sample depending on your projects.

Where are you located at UC Davis?

Refer to link to location.

I have a question. Who do I contact?

Email: anlab@ucdavis.edu  (Best form of contact to direct inquiries to specific personnel)

Phone: 1-530-752-0147

Did you get my e-mail? I haven't heard a response.

We try our best to respond between 24-48 hours (or sooner).  Due to high volume of emails the lab receives, unfortunately, we may miss your message time to time.  Please feel free to nudge us if you haven’t heard from us withing 48 hours.